Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Are you annoyed? Irritated maybe? Do you get up each day and look forward to when the clocks go back an hour so you get that extra hour's sleep? Do you wonder why you can hear a child's cries through three layers of walls and it loses none of its potency? Do you wonder why your pet persists in clawing at your leg during dinner as opposed to letting you finish your meal in peace? No? Well neither do I, I mean come on like, who'd waste time on that? Why are you watching me shower?

There must be some clever random title generator out there somewhere, seriously, I'm getting tired of trying to invent new and amusing eye grabbers for these admittedly lacklustre pieces, and I doubt I could carry off simply titling them by date as some are wont to do. Heh, wont.

Anyway, now that the modicum debacle is finished, and the banana hammocks have been well and truly shoved through the catflaps of our time, is it time to discuss something more serious? Should I find something real and controversial to talk about? Should I seek out reasons to be well and truly pissed off merely that my writing will appeal to the cynics out there? Probably not, but that does sound like a tickle.

Boredom truly is the greatest curse that God bestowed on mankind. Well...that and famine, AIDS, drought, pestilence, disease, bus lanes and Mac users...and this could take a while, but hey! Who's counting?

Speaking of Macs, no sooner had I typed the above than an ad for a Mac tutorial appeared in my youtube window. Un. Canny.

So now my procrastination and rampant bloodlust are starting to interfere with my work. Still no movement on the video blog thing, which I'm basically putting off. Still haven't applied to any of those firms yet, though the deadline is fast approaching and its scaring the bejaysus out of me. Seriously considering buying a magic 8-ball to see if it changes my life in any dramatic fashion.

So I need to get moving on a lot of things really, but that's nothing new. Could probably do with submitting what poetry I have to...something, I dunno, reccommendations are always welcome but I'm just looking for something else to do at this point. Need to get into the habit of updating one more day, though I'm slightly (only slightly) lost as to where to go with it next (slightly mind you). I have ideas but not much else.

I also have this college project thingie for which I must interview someone in the airline industry...meaning I need to buy one of those recorder thingies and a suit of some kind, though I'll need that for my interview anyway, so not always a bad idea.

I wonder what people would say if I showed up at a BDSM club in a Waffen SS outfit complete with leather mask and gloves? Not much reason for it more than it being something to do, and sounding rather ticklish.

So, yeah, I'm pretty much a mess right now, and I really need someone/something to regularly beat the procrastination out of me, almost as much as I need someone to talk to and something to tell them. If that's not a conundrum, well I'm stumped, aren't I?

This is getting out of hand.

Like a fox.

There's no combination of words I can put on the back of a postcard,
no song that I can sing, but I can try for your heart.

Jack Johnson - Better together

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