Monday, July 23, 2007

And I am back...

In body if not quite in mind just yet. Still, what with being back at work and faced with the prospect of having to catch up with both model painting, written backgrounds and...occassionally rpg posts...I'm almost certain that management will be along shortly to resume control of this operation.

So...yeah, five days staying in a tent north of london, three days of which were absolutly smothered by raindrops the size of golf balls. Other than that though I still managed to accumulate an ungodly number of tank pictures and sundry, some of which I shall endeavour to post here when I either sort out the good from the bad, or discover some kind of gallery widget here. But yeah, if interested in shopping (for guns and sundry) and tanks the War and Peace show is definitely worth a visit. My only qualm is that I had not enough dosh to afford what I wanted. Though considering it was £55 sterling for the cheapest Waffen SS peaked cap I could find and something like £150 sterling for a uniform. And don't get me started on the weapons.

Although I did get to take apart and assemble a 20 year old luger pistol, and then dry fire it, to the dismay of the stall owner. Apparently you can't dry fire those. Then how the hell do you do a function check or even release the action without firing live rounds? This may require research methinks.

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