Monday, March 26, 2007

Names, Names, Names

I'm really running out of titles here, but then again, if you categorize things by title, know what, let's just not go there.

So...what am I thinking...? Conversions? Blog update? Random story ideas? Continuing conversations? Question marks?

Oh! Now I know!

Full stops.

A-yup. Yet more patented, insightful and in-depth thinking from your friends here at Nuggets'O'Wisdom Inc. Nuggets'O'Wisdom: If you don't get it, we don't care! (I could probably make a quick buck from that...)

Be the cactus. That's my message to the world.

*sigh* Someday I'm going to have T-shirts made to honour these phrases.

I think I might be slightly bipolar... Actually, you know what, enough with this thinking crap. I've had it with thinking. Thinking's never done me any good. The phrases "Bipolar disorder test", "Attention Deficit Disorder Tests" and "Asperger's Syndrome tests" are being googled right the hell now and the Internet shall bow before the sheer awesome and godlike awesomeness that is me, laying the items I seek at my feet.

(And yes, I know that the internet, being lacking in physical substance, vis a vis hands and knees, is unable to either kowtow, acknowledge the law of nature that makes me automatically more awesome than everyone else, or lay anything at my feet. But, and this is a big but (go on children, laugh) anyone who brings this up will have secured a place on my "to slap" list.

Bi-polar... check the boxes, bring list to your doctor... 6 ticked boxes out of...twenty-six. Next. Another tick the boxes thing... scored a 25... 25-35, bipolar disorder likely. Hmmm. Next. Yes or no answers...meh, 5 yes, a yes and a minor problem. Next. No, no. Result: Inconclusive.

ADD...nope, nope, nope, maybe...nope... Result: unlikely.

Aspergers...test 1... scored 24, 32 and above indicates...go score, you are unlikely to have aspergers syndrome. Hmmm. Result: Unlikely.

I need hungry. And while I'm on it, how the hell does one do justice? I mean if there was a person or creature named justice it'd be possible but otherwise... Its like "doing" lunch really, which is just plain disgusting as opposed to having lunch like everyone else.


Seriously if I saw someone "doing" lunch it'd probably scar me for life.

This is me breathing.

Like a fox.

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