Thursday, March 8, 2007

Moving on...

I was going to say something, but the title is pisssing me off for some reason. Maybe it's just a bad choice of words or something, I dunno, but I really couldn't be bothered changing it at this point.

So, back to things completed...

Finished the Berserkers, and added a Havoc squad. Debating whether or not to add a dreadnought or a defiler, or both. Also considering starting off a Tau army. For some reason I am intent on finding out what a dark angels green base coat, with red gore helmet, shoulder pads (and possibly forearms) with boltgun metal stripes would look like...

I think its a condition...

On a similar note, I've just gotten my hands on some random 3d modelling program for designing spacecraft and tanks. I reckon I'll apply it to the abomination to all things artwork posted earlier on... Then I'll start something else...

I have gotten back to writing up One More Day, but on the advice of one fanatically anti-MMO writer/game-designer, I'm trying to pin down an overarching plot before I get too far ahead of myself. I've also had difficulty deciding exactly what will happen next, though I do have at least three random scenes playing around in my head, one of which involves our intrepid heroes trying to infiltrate the enemy fortress wearing dresses. Yes dresses. And no, I don't know why this would occur to me, all I know is that they can't get squirrel costumes in a medieval setting.

I also half-finished a poem the other day, which marks the first such thing I've done in a few months, though the images inspired were pretty much the opposite of what I was aiming for. Still, a reaction is a reaction, right?

One more small note to pin to my calendar; convert three-four random pieces into background fluff for my army...

Also, while I know it may shock your world to the core, I may not have been the sole inventor of the phrase Armageddonistic. So I'll be coining random phrases over the next while until I get my own.

We might be remodelling the kitchen too...

Like a fox.

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