Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Honey, I'm home!

I think the title says it all. Back after the afore-mentioned week off. Ok, technically I was back yesterday, but internet and computers and blah-blah-blah, couldn't post.

Miss me? Yeah, I don't blame you for enjoying it while it lasted. "Silence is golden" after all. Maybe that explains why silence is so heavy...

Ha! That just came to me, and I'm almost positive someone else said it...
Anyone care to enlighten me?

Actually, what am I doing asking you questions? I mean it's not like you're going to answer them, right Internet? You're a good listener, but you suck at giving feedback, I swear...

On to whatever it was I felt like saying before I greeted you and subsequently forgot afterwards. Yeah that doesn't make sense to me either, but hey, who's writing this, me or you? I hate this...

I was trying to describe myself a moment ago and aside from being horribly indecisive (at least when it comes to buying things. Choosing is hard.), I'm also insufferably exuberant when talking to people I don't know. I think I could be bipolar, with a side-order of ADD thrown in for good measure. Maybe that's why I can't stick to one idea for too long. Hmmm.

You know, I actually wish I had someone to slap me on a regular basis. I'm sure several of my friends would oblige me if I asked them, but it just wouldn't be the same. Why do I want that you ask? Well, combine the indecisiveness mentin... Mentin?! Mentioned. The indecisiveness (is that even a word?)

While I'm on it; Armageddonistic. That's my phrase. I coined that. I hope...


The indecisiveness mentioned above. Take that, add a side order off ADD, some shyness, two tablespoons of paranoia, and marinade for a few minutes in front of a computer and you have....Writer's block. As Ryan Sohmer so colourfully put it:

"I have stared at the blank page of MS word too often in recent months, and it's still staring back, taunting me to fill it with entertaining and amusing words.

Suffice it to say, I've been locked in a battle with said page all evening, and as of right now, the empty page is winning."

I feel like a heel. No wait, that's not a good enough word... Cunt. Ass. Nope, still not good enough... Omnihate. Hmmm. I omnihate my inability to write what I want to write at this particular moment in time. Not bad, but it could use some pruning...

I've also just noticed my love affair with ... Seriously. Read it again. Notice what I'm referring to? Yep. Those three dots seem to dominate everything I do. Is it because every thought that runs through my head is incomplete? Or do I have this in-built need to fill some subconcious void in my life? Maybe its just another bad habit I need to break.

Another recent revelation (boy I'm on a roll): that little box right under the posting window marked "labels for this post". What the hell? I mean, I always just assumed the program scanned the post for certain trigger words and categorised it accordingly, but we have to do this ourselves? Damn.

There's actually a lot of things that I could do with that. Scratch that, there isn't, but a whole flood of things ran through my head a moment after noticing this, leaving me strangely drained. What bothers me most is that the first question that sprung to my head was: What would happen if I labelled this post "Child Porn". Does that make me a bad person? Have I spent too much time wondering what would happen if I spear-tackled the rent-a-santa at the shopping centre every christmas?

Who knows.

Like a fox.

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